
Or: How I Learned to Compress Audio Files

Jan 24, 2020

A little over half a year ago, I got it in my head to make a character mod for the 3DS game Persona Q. While I did not make it very far, I did dive far enough into the sound files to switch tracks and start working on making my own encoder and decoder for them in Go.


Persona Q uses a proprietary file format developed by Criware called ADX for storing compressed audio. The ADX file format has been in use as far back as 1998 in Burning Rangers for the Sega Saturn, and more recently, games from the Persona franchise and others continue to use the format as audio middleware, likely due to its favorable compression-to-quality ratio and looping capabilities.

Strangely enough, the most centralized wealth of knowledge on ADX is actually the Wikipedia page. The ADX file header contains metadata such as the encoding type, number of audio channels, bitdepth, sample rate, looping data, etc. The header also points to the start of the sample data.

Normally an uncompressed file like WAV stores its samples directly, storing each sample as a bitdepth-sized chunk of data. For example, a WAV file with bitdepth of 16-bits could have a sample be an integer anywhere from 32767 to -32768. While this allows for high resolution storage of sound waves, it costs quite a bit of memory. In order to cope with this trade-off, ADX uses two techniques in compression: First, samples are stored as errors from a predicted value derived from previously decoded samples as opposed to an exact value which supposedly allows for higher-quality encoding.

Prediction technique

Second, lengths of sample errors are chunked into blocks with a scale value used as a multiplier to recover each error value during decoding. The scales are calculated in such a way that all unscaled values can be stored as tightly-packed 4-bit nibbles instead of 16-bit integers. As a whole, this means that ADX files are able to preserve audio to a high quality while reducing the storage size by 4x.

Error scaling technique

The Decoder

I started on the decoder in May of last year. I had just started out in Go and wanted to try it out for another project. Writing an ADX decoder seemed to be something within reach while remaining challenging enough to not be a complete cake walk. Since pseudocode for a decoder was already on the Wikipedia page, I would mostly be dealing with figuring out how to implement it in Go, hopefully learning some file IO. I also ended up tacking Cobra on the project to get some experience with a command-line library.

The first trouble I ran into ended up being in Cobra. I had wanted to use Go modules, but at the time I could not initialize a Cobra project outside of the GOPATH. Not wanting to find a workaround, I ditched modules and went straight to implementing the pseudocode. Ideally, I had imagined I would come to understand the file specs by building the implementation, but I ended up only being able to glean a fraction of what the code was doing. Instead of stopping, however, I opted to write now and analyze later. When the time came to test the decoder, I ran a file that I had ripped from Persona Q through it and, lo and behold, it worked!

Well only kinda.

I could recognize the music but the quality was beyond awful bringing us to my second issue. I scoured the code but could not find what was wrong. I had translated the pseudocode perfectly (or so I thought at the time). Because I could recognize the song, I was not doing anything wrong with picking up the samples, but then the problem could be anywhere in the decoding process. Logically, if the algorithm was implemented perfectly then perhaps there was some floating-point error or bits were getting truncated somewhere. It was at this point, I had had enough and put the project on hold.

The Encoder

As more time passed, I became ever more reluctant to work on adxtools. After contributing to aimacode for Google Summer of Code, I was immediately thrust into a new semester with no time to review the ADX file specs or polish my Go skills. adxtools got shelved as one of those eternal WIP projects on my GitHub, that is, until winter of this year.

I had gotten the sudden urge to start working more with Go, started coding up a big project, got burned out as usual, and shelved it before immediately trying to start a new one. However, this time, I also became uncomfortably aware of the high number of WIP repos on my GitHub.

I should finish one of these.

Scrolling through them I saw adxtools once again, an unfinished Go project.

Perfect. I dived right in.

The first point of business was resolving what had stumped me in the decoder so many months ago. Within the first few seconds of reviewing my code, something caught my eye:

a := math.Cos(2)*math.Pi*...

Hold up. What? Why is the pi outside the trig function? I check the pseudocode. It’s supposed to be inside. I fix it and run the decoder for the first time in months, not expecting much. Then I play the file.

It’s perfect. You gotta be kidding me!

Feeling the full strides of success, I figure I may as well write the encoder while I still have time. Initially thinking it would simply be reversing the order of execution from the decoder, I quickly ran into a problem: How does one determine the scale? Our only source of authority, the Wikipedia page, says nothing about it and most other sources on ADX are only focused on describing decoders. Stopping to think, I reasoned that since the scale is merely a multiplier for a block of data, perhaps I could produce it by finding the greatest value in the block, treat it as the 4-bit max and scale the rest of the values against it. Tentatively writing this out, I managed to reverse the algorithm with a few changes and simplifications, such as choosing to encode by block instead of trying to encode starting from anywhere.

Testing the encoder, I ended up with ADX files that once again, had recognizable audio but were very noisy. On the first round, I decoded my test file and ran it through Audacity.

Strange. I was only encoding one channel.

At first I thought I may have been corrupting blocks from the first channel when encoding the second, but hunting down the bug, I found I had entirely missed encoding the second channel at all! Naturally, fixing it didn’t alleviate the noise but in fact made it worse. I continued find and fix bugs in my encoder but at no point was I able to figure out where the noise was coming from.

Truly stumped for the second time on this project, I ended up re-writing the decoder to ensure that I did not have a problem in my understanding of ADX. Re-writing the decoder had the small benefit of optimizing it as the Wikipedia version assumes streaming the audio from anywhere, but since all I needed to do was convert it over, I ended up getting away with fewer file operations, saving some time.

After 3 days of trial-and-error and debug printing, I traced my problem to the one original algorithm I wrote: scale generation. Testing the encoder on a decoded file that was originally ADX, I found my scales to be similar but slightly off to the stored ones. What could be the cause? Did I need to re-think my entire process? Turns out the solutions to many of these big stumps end up being quite simple for some reason. On a whim, I changed my max 4-bit number from 8 to 7, and, suddenly the sound is crystal clear. I was dumbfounded. The 4-bit integer range is from -8 to 7. I had wanted to use 8 under the impression that it was a more conservative max but I was actually scaling some numbers out of range. Apparently this was enough to create noticable noise. With this tiny fix, both the encoder and decoder were finally finished. I merged my branch and wiped the WIP title off of adxtools, feeling quite satsified.


adxtools, despite working, is nowhere near complete. The encoder and decoder work for a small subset of ADX files, specifically those with two channels and 4-bit bitdepths, and the encoder does not support looping. I would, however, like to turn it into a complete encoder and decoder at some point. Criware have also developed several other file formats such as ADX2 which would be worth adding to adxtools in the future.

The greatest benefit of this project for myself was more experience working with Go. I got more comfortable with doing file IO as well as working with modules and got the added challenge of having to optimize my code. While I still do not understand much of the math used in the encoding techniques behind ADX, I did learn a bit of audio file storage from this project as well. At the end of the day, I know ADX is not a popular file format, only seeing prevalence in modding communities. ADX also has been around for long enough that mature tools have already been developed for it over a decade ago, but I think adxtools was, regardless, still an interesting project, albeit mildly infuriating to debug at times.

UPDATE 02/06/20: Incorrect integer range has been fixed.