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Jun 15, 2019

Game of the Amazons

Programming amazons js react

Game of the Amazons is a lot like chess except all pieces cannot be killed, move like queens, and shoot fire arrows that also move like queens.

Jan 24, 2019

Protobowl VR

Programming oculus quizbowl unity3d websocket

Late last year, after a session of my school’s XR club, I had, on a whim, proposed to a friend my grand idea of putting quizbowl in VR. As per usual, my absurd scheme was quickly shot down, and we moved to other points of discussion. Later at the outset...

Dec 14, 2018


Programming music opencv python

Among many things brought out into the cold of December 1st, 2018 were four nerds with nothing better to do on a Saturday morning than participate in their school’s local hack day. While I cannot speak for the experiences of my companions, I do recall being awoken at 2 in...

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